
Changes in ENCE PUBG

ENCE PUBG roster parts ways with Tiikzu and Rustanmar in mutual agreement.

Due to differences in the vision of what the future of ENCE PUBG should look like, we have terminated contracts in mutual agreement with Olli “Tiikzu” Saarikoski and Miro “Rustanmar” Ruotsi. The remaining players, Saku “SKUJKE” Sajakoski and Joona “NOOKIE” Närvänen, along with coach Jari “SENTEX” Sammalniemi, are currently in the process of try-outing players for the two vacant slots.

Rustanmar and Tiikzu have been essential for the success and achievements of ENCE PUBG. Rustanmar has been with ENCE PUBG from the very beginning, as we entered the scene in early 2019 by signing the Finnish roster o1ne. Claiming the Championship title from PEL Phase 1, the roster put ENCE on the map of PUBG elite, operating from the Berlin Headquarters, where the players lived and practiced together.

Later that year, in December, Tiikzu joined the team along with D1gg3r1, assembling the fan-favorite mix of players with firepower on the server and honest humor in interviews and on stream. The roster competed in the highest tier of competitive PUBG and represented ENCE in PGI.S and PGC, two memorable tournaments hosted on LAN in South Korea.

We want to thank Tiikzu and Rustanmar for their time in ENCE and for the great memories and achievements created together, and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors!

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