
ENCE and Rainbow 6 Part Ways

Today we say farewell to the Rainbow Six Siege roster as they depart from the ENCE organisation with the departure will be effective immediately.

It has been an up and down journey for ENCE in Rainbow 6 Siege since we acquired the former GiFu lineup in mid 2017. Throughout their time with us we have seen many exciting moments as well as a few unfortunate early exits. Most notably the teams first ever Rainbow Six Siege Pro League victory in the Year 2 Season 3 finals will forever be a moment we look back on with joy.

The pinnacle of ENCE’s R6S journey: Winning the Pro League in December, 2017

The team is pursuing their career with another organisation due to their contract with ENCE reaching its end. Although they will no longer be under the ENCE banner we will cheer them on as they look to reclaim their place amongst the worlds elite and bring more titles in the name of  Winland.

"I hope our fans can support us even after the change and remember, we just want to live from what we love to do. That is R6 <3"

- Niklas "Willkey" Ojalainen, Captain of ENCE R6S

"It's a day we're not excited about with our journey in Rainbow Six Siege coming to a halt for now. We here at ENCE have become fans of the game and have nothing but good things to say about the squad that has represented us over the last year and a half.

We have had an open discussion with the team about the future as their contracts were coming to an end and ultimately for us as a business decision and for the players as a career decision - going our separate ways was the right thing to do. I would like to thank every individual who played under ENCE in R6S for their efforts and a big thank you to the massive fanbase this team has. You have a great community and we'll for sure revisit our decision on investing in the game down the line."

- Joona "natu" Leppänen, Marketing Director, ENCE

"This is not something us or our fans probably expected, but with heavy hearths it's time to say farewell to ENCE. This is a hard decision, as we have walked this journey together for a long time already and it all started with a cup of coffee shared by me & natu one sunny summer day.

Hands down I can say, that ENCE is one of the best managed esports organizations out there and our new home will have big boots to fill. Overall we had an amazing time with ENCE and what a rollercoaster ride it was. From winning the Pro League to relegating and coming back. I hope all the best for ENCE and I'm confident they will be one of the top recognized esports organizations out there in the upcoming years. I hope our fans can support us even after the change and remember, we just want to live from what we love to do. That is R6 <3"

- Niklas "Willkey" Ojalainen, Captain of ENCE R6S

We wish the roster the best of luck as they move forward in their careers and would like to thank them for everything that they have done for the organisation throughout their time with us.

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ENCE ja Philips Hue yhteistyöhön

ENCEn uusi toimisto valaistaan Philips Huen moderneilla älyvaloilla.